Friday, January 04, 2008


Another year over.I'm 18 1/2.I started drinking in '07. I quit smoking in '07.So its been quite an eventful year(as far as vices are concerned).Oh and I also lost faith in '07.

'08 has started on an extremely happy note.I just hope it continues that way. I've gained something too precious to lose.

Things I'm currently in love with:
2.Episode 1108('Make love,not Warcraft') of South Park
3.The 'Dead Parrot' sketch from Monty Python
4.J.J.Cale's 'Cajun Moon'
5.Rene's Magritte's 'The treachery of images"
6.His Dark Materials(Its so friggin brilliant)

New Year Resolutions:
1.Work as hard as possible to find Rakhi Sawant remotely hot.
2.Work as hard as possible to consider 50 Cent remotely music.
3.Work as hard as possible to read an Erich Segal novel and actually like it.

Happy New Year. Hope its a great year for you.Its turning out to be brilliant for me.



Radhika Chitkara said...
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Radhika Chitkara said...

un-DUH-nay :P
Happy New Year!!
see how my wishes of a happy new year turned out to be so true :D
though u can add another resolution to ur list; that of giving it ur best shot to like east delhi-ites.

Abdaal said...

There is quite a lot to admire in Erich Segal

For starters, his works are of the not-so-rare category that can be read even when one has donated his brain to the zoo. No wonder that Love Story is the favourite book of umpteen Bollywood bimbos. Sidney Sheldon is another of the cushy-mushy-idiot types.

Rakhi Sawant! Ha ha!

Alisha Mallik said...

happy new year...and yes '08 has strted on an extremely happy note.... :D

The Nihilist said...

great going mate!

this is a year of hope with many aspirations pinned on it.hope it fulfills all our hopes.

& by the way,i m not a numerology freak and therefore not everything associated with me has an extra 'n',my blog for instance.

Radhika Chitkara said...

"gained something too precious to lose"
hit a diamond mine, have you, Mr.Das?