Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sem 3

The sad time of the sem again: A week before the endsems. This is the time when you discover the amount that you've allegedly learnt in 4.5 months. With very substantial portions of the course left to be completed in 4 working days, this week looks gloomy with the amount of self-studying involved.
This semester can be summed up in one word: loony. The elections, crazy teachers (standards of teaching have reached their nadir, or so I'd like to believe), crazy times, trips of self-deprecation, weed, 1 paper published (the whereabouts of which I'm clueless of), trips of sweet envy, 1st batch of juniors, the swine flu break, moot work, thursday debates, discovering very alarming standards of superficiality in the friendships I'd valued, and the world in general, Teacher's whisky,blah...
Ah my Quaid, if only I could be like you. Coldness is a virtue that fosters respect.

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